Tips For Maintaining And Preserving A High-Quality Area Rug

Tips For Maintaining And Preserving A High Quality Area Rug

Rolls of Area RugsThose that cherish a quality oriental area rug or Persian rug know the importance of preserving and maintaining this precious piece of textile art. As such, there are a few simple and straightforward ways to ensure the long time conservation of any high-quality area rug. Perhaps one of the most obvious ways that a quality area rug can quickly become damaged is through contact with dampness or moisture. Never store an Oriental rug where there could be flooding, leaks or condensation. Any type of moisture or water can quickly damage a valued and precious Persian rug.

Treat Windows

In addition, ultraviolet light and heat caused by the sun can quickly damage a rug beyond repair. This is especially true of those living in the arid climate of the desert Southwest. Sunlight can create fading and can also serve to degrade the very fibers that comprise the structure of a rug. One of the best ways to protect high quality area rugs is to treat home windows with some type of UV protection film. This can go a long way in reducing the negative effects of sunlight on a rug.

Prevent Pest Infestation

Insects are another concern for those with quality wool or even cotton rugs. Moths can cause serious damage to a rug by infesting the wool or animal fiber that comprises a rug. Storing rugs in a dark area without adequate protection can quickly invite pest related problems. Rug owners should avoid using pesticides or mothballs to prevent pest infestation. These chemicals can damage an area rug and ultimately cause equal or greater damage as compared to insect related damage. Finally, it is always important to have a rug professionally cleaned or to clean a rug in a professional way on your own. Contact David Oriental Rugs for a quality selection of Houston Persian rugs today.
